Thursday 24 May 2012

Shot0180: Zombie 012 and Zombie 05

Time to animate my second Zombie. Zombie 05 I want to be a swaying animation. Again I have started with a very ruff block out of the poses and look at some of the motions it could make. I want this animation to be more simple and less movement. I am fairly happy with the block but I am finding it difficult to get the movements and timing. I plan to develop a few more poses and get more keyframes in there and take it from there.

More poses now added! I am getting more confident with the movements but I don't want to get ahead of myself as I'm still having troubles with getting smooth motions. I feel I have got the weight right but I think next step is to get into linear and go from there. I feel that I will be able to get the movements right in there as alot of the movement I want is very linear and fluid so maybe it will be easier going into linear rather than trying in stepped to get the movement right.

Linear seems to be alot easier for me achieving this movement! Joe and Nick both seem happy with it and now I plan to develop it slightly further by duplicating it and re-time it to become a completely new zombie. For this Zombie I am happy with the outcome, I tried to get some nice movement of both the arms and feet. I feel it will work nicely in the scene when its all light and rendered.

Finally, I have finished zombies 012 and 05! What I did was tweak, reposition and retime the animation of the first zombie. Below is a playblasts of both Zombies. I am happy with the outcome and feel that I have improved with my animation. I think all 3 animations I have created are going to work well and look good together.

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