Thursday 24 May 2012

Compositing: Shot0148

So it comes my time to composite a shot! I have to admit its a strange shot as we are going for a styled approach for this section of the film. So the idea to create this blue tint to the shot. 

The two images below show my nuke scene and node trees used to created this shot. I found it a good challenge to get the style right and make it fit the rest of the shots that already have been created. 

The image above shows the nuke node tree for the lift composite. The first task is to break down the rendered image into its passes. As you can see its the same Lift image for each section this is because within that image are the passes we created in maya. To split this up we use a shuffle node, we can tell the shuffle node to select the pass we want.

Once we get this sorted we then use merge to bring them together, When I do this it gives you an option of A ad B, when B means it will be on the bottom and A on the top (blue nodes are merge nodes). Diffuse is our base layer with shadow, specular over the top. We do this for both Top lights and Bottom lights then merge them both together with the bottom lights being B and top lights being A.

From there we can control all the elements by adjusting the merge and what image is seen more. Although merges can be set to different types of 'merging'. For example for a shadow we use a merge but with the type of merge set to 'From'. Where as if it was Specular it will be set to Screen. Finally Ambient Occlusion will be set to Multiply.

Below are two images showing the development of the lift. We are mostly blurring the backgrounds to create this style, this is why the end result has the background blurred as we want the characters to be the focus. Although my actual comp of the lift pre blurring was in my opinion good. I liked the tone I got and the variation in the metal but I had to match the same as all the others in the section so adding the blue tint was important. If it wasn't going to be one of the fast pace bits I would of sorted out the specular slightly as it is coming across blurry at moment.

I like the end result. The one problem which is down to 3D problems is the weight variation on the interns leg. I plan to fix this within 3D if we have time but if not we will have to live with it. Its a clumsy mistake to do and I really hope it doesn't bring the section down as I think this and the rest of the shots are looking really cool!

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