Sunday 13 November 2011

Concepts taken into 3D

Developing Colour Concept

I have been developing some texture tests in photoshop! we are still unsure what design we light but at the moment we are liking purple! These tests were simple to create. I cut up my model into different layers and from there I was able to change the colour to what ever I wanted.

I went for two different styles one with the idea of  using white as a base colour and with the other being different colour sets. We have mixed feelings at the moment but feel maybe the white or light paige is a nice colour to work from. We have decided on the boot colour though!

Vein Wizard, Clothing

Here is a first Character Sheet for the Vein Wizard. The design of the character is finalised now! All thats left to do is refine the model a bit more and then  its ready for texturing and any shader development needed.

Below is a turntable I have created. I have used the rig to start to pose turntables as it gives an idea of personality in the turntable and to try make sure the shape and design of the character suits the personailty. I feel at the moment the shaders to need work and the next step is to try get the hair in place and make a decision to whether or not we want to have geometry or hair system to create the hair.

Grass & Shot: Look Dev

Here is a first look at some look dev for lighting. I wanted to try create the impression its sunny and the light is coming from the top right of the screen. 2. was the first render and I thought it was flat and dull, it didn't give many shadows or show any form on the house. 1 though was my second render and the difference between the houses in both images hopefully big an improvement I feel tweaking the lights directing to cast more shadows create a much better feel to the shot.