Sunday 2 October 2011

Character Development

To the right shows another before and after image I rendered as I have developed the head more. I have smoothed out the features that I wanted to and start to get it to look more of a smooth surface. 
To the right again there is an image of the full body I have now sculpted. The topology is only base mesh standard so it will be able to animation but only to a certain extent.  I plan to smooth it out but I want to retopologise it first, before I smooth away some of the areas we might want to to deform when we animated as we will see this characters body.
Here is a first look at the style of the characters hair as. This is going to be something I develop over the next term as we want to use actual hair if possible, as I see a lot of hair attempts using just polys and always seems weak and not well shaped so we want to push that boundary on this project.

Here is a video showing the contrast in the two characters. We are now happy with the outcomes as we really think these two look the opposites of eachother and maybe already believe that these two wouldn't get on which is the whole point of the film.

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