Tuesday 17 January 2012

Hair Hair Hair!

Here the battle of creating hair begins!

Next step after getting volume to the hair was to develop the shape and style of the hair. To do this the hair controlled by CV curves. Its my job to gradually build up the shape by moving the curves to create the desired effect.

Once I got the hair in a good style I started to develop the hair system abit more. Below is an image of the settings that were used to create the hair. At the moment I feel the shape needs refining and that I need to try get rid of the baldness, as I think thats t do with the spread and the thinning of the hair.

So with a few tweaks, you can see a big change. I start by trying to just get a good amount of volume to the hair so that it doesn't look like thick clumps. Both images to the left show that already there seems to be progress with a few tweaks to the settings.

Here is an image (right) of what the hair looks like straight out of default settings. As you can see, I got alot of work to do. The settings are very basic and seem to be so the render time is low.

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